Meet the author of K-Pop Revolution, Stephan Lee
Stephan has created a beautiful and cruel world of determined K-pop trainees and an industry that glamorizes and weaponizes their hopes.
Author Stephan Lee talks to us about his books, which we loved: K-pop Confidential and its sequel K-pop Revolution, which follow a Korean American teenager chasing her dreams as a trainee idol in Seoul. We discuss his writing process for each book, the relationship between art and activism, his personal experience of anti-Asian violence, his trip to Seoul during his time as an entertainment journalist for Entertainment Weekly, and more.
Buy Stephan's wonderful books!
Stephan's viral thread about his experience of racist violence and its aftermath
Find Stephan on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok
Episode 96: Interview with Kfangurl of The Fangirl Verdict
Episode 124: Part 3 of Our Year End Yak, in which Anisa waxes poetic about Idol: The Coup
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This episode was edited by Saya and Anisa.